A Lisa Lefkowitz Wedding: Lisa & Nick

10 08 2008

I ran across this lovely wedding on one of my favorite blogs, snippet & ink. This is definitely my kind of wedding!  Simple, modern, and lots of GREEN!  I love the non-bridesmaid dresses, the spider mums, and the bride’s look.  


This wedding was shot by Lisa Lefkowitz, and I’m telling you now, if you haven’t seen her work, you’re missing out.  Check her out.

Modern, Minimalist… Spider Mums!

4 11 2007

My favorite flowers have always been tulips, peonies, gardenias, and yellow roses. However, I also never wanted a flower-filled wedding. I’m not really into flowers. Enter the spider mum. I discovered spider mums when I saw a bouquet in an uncle’s home. In the middle of the bouquet was a single, white spider mum. I instantly pictured this spiky flower in a bridal bouquet, and soon was thinking of using green ones in reception centerpieces. Of course, I’m not even formally engaged, so this is all a dream. 🙂

Anyway, here’s my tribute to this modern and beautiful flower!

Photos Courtesy of (clockwise from left):